I am honestly at a complete loss right now. We have been together for 3 years and he definitely struggles with alcohol addiction. He has now started wetting the bed when he gets too drunk and I feel like I'm nearing my limits at this point with his alcohol consumption and what it does to our lives.

He went to a wedding last night and I opted not to go because I don't want to be around him when he's partying. I let him borrow my camper that I had just bought a brand new mattress for so that he could spend the night there. I've also been planning on selling the mattress because it's not quite the right size.

Anyways, this morning I discovered that he had pissed all over the mattress last night. I was obviously upset and he the first thing he said was "hello hunny, nice to see you too." Which honestly feels manipulative to me, like you just ruined my brand new mattress, of course I'm upset. Then when I told him that I was disappointed, he yelled at me and told me he's disappointed in himself so why would he want to hear that from me.

Am I overreacting here? Is it wrong for me to be upset with him?