Hello people of Reddit,

I 23 (F) met a 24(M) through my brother and we instantly hit it off. We have been talking for about 2 months now and things have been going well. However, we have had the conversation that we cannot realistically commit to dating for another year and half because of long distance. He lives in a different state so he flew in to meet me and we spent a great three days together during his college break, however when he got home and the topic of commitment came up (albeit discussing someone else situation, but he found it applicable to ours as well) he said "well I mean you're free to do whatever tf but I don't need to know about it" and then proceeded to continue about how it is difficult to make concrete decisions because of the distance and current circumstances.

Here is where I think I fucked up, I was at a party two weekends ago and after drinking a lot ended up hooking up with someone else. I immediately felt extremely guilty but after talking to two friends they both said that I had nothing to feel guilty for and that I should follow up with a second encounter because I don't have may adventurous stories in that department and that I would regret that if I got into a serious relationship in the future and didn't experience those. So here is again where I believe I am in the wrong is that I did meet him the following night and hooked up with him again. I felt so guilty the next morning to the point where I threw up out of pure anxiety. I am so upset at myself that I may have ruined something that could be potentially perfect and a good match because I succumbed to insecurities and was too pathetic to realize that I had nothing to prove to anyone else.

Even though he said that I am free to do whatever I want I still feel like I am in the wrong. I am not sure if it is selfish to consider talking to him about it because he said that he does not want to know, but I also do not know if it would be in some way deceitful not to say anything or if it would be worse if he found out in the future. We are still not exclusive and continually talk everyday and have made it clear we both like each other, but have made no mention of changing our relationship status. How should I approach this relationship moving forward?

Thank you and I am sorry if this made you upset while reading it, trust me I hate myself more than you do right now.