Hi, I dont have a Reddit account but I do have my boyfriends account. He also only come to Reddit when he needs something so 50/50 he’ll see this.

But why do I only feel like I'm pretty when I'm Naked? Like the moment I have tight fitting clothes ill be like,”omg I'm so fat” or “I need to get a bigger butt” but then without my clothes I'm like,”I'm kinda bad” yk? And I've spent months crying about this to my boyfriend and all he can say,”you're beautiful no matter what” but idk why I only realize that I'm good looking when I'm naked. Is there a certain way I need to be dressing or a certain look I should have? Idk I've just resorted to wearing bagging clothes because everytime I dress up I quite literally vomit or I start sobbing because I feel like I'm fat because I LOOK fat but everytime I weigh myself I'm considered a good weight for my age.

Please, somebody give me advice or help idk what to think or do I have nobody else to confide because they'll all tell me the same thing. Sorry