My big life goal is to buy my own house - It's not as much for the owning but for escaping the UK renting market. Paying rwnt frustrates me so much and seeing it increasing gives me anxiety and makes me fear my future. I (36) want to be paying off my own place, so that future me has a greater chance of retiring and living a secure life. I'm saving all I can and live frugally BUT it feels like my life is on hold until I buy a property. It stops me from spending money on things that make me feel alive - short weekend trips, holidays, buying nice clothes, going to theatre, hoing for a coffee with friends, taking art classes etc etc. It honestly makes me miserable and so so jealous of people who do those things and also those who own their own place already.

I'm starting to think whether it is all worth it and if I''m doing the right thing cause I'm wasting my time waiting and saving. What if by the time I manage to buy I'm not able to do things I wanted anymore due to for example health reasons or I just become this miserable person no one wants to be around? Anyone in similar position feeling like you are waiting to live your life once you own property?