r/AceAttorney - Phoenix Wright Trilogy, Apollo Justice Trilogy, The Great Ace Attorney, and more!

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Welcome to r/AceAttorney - a PSA, FAQ, and General Resource for Those Looking to Play Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy for the First TimeAnnouncement

(June 18th, 2024 update: currently getting this FAQ updated for the announcement of the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection)

Hi to all of those visiting the AA subreddit right now who haven't played mainline games 4 through 6 yet! Besides what's already in our FAQ right now, there's a lot of valuable information it would be generally good for you to know.

First off, here is the link to our standard FAQ. Several new questions-and-answers have been added to this latest edition, and the ones specific to the new Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy remaster collection are also in the body of this post, so for anyone newly arriving to check out those games, review those new questions. If you have any questions that aren't covered here or in the linked FAQ, ask them in the comments for the FAQ thread!

Second thing, here's an updated guide I've made to explain which platforms all the current AA games available can be played on.

Third, we have our Recommended Playing Order chart, made by community member /u/Gabo2oo.

Fourth, an expansive guide by community member /u/XephyXeph to outline all of the various Ace Attorney media currently out there, from the games to the huge array of supplementary media from manga to pachinko machines.

Fifth, for anyone done with AA4 and AA5, and ready to play AA6, Spirit of Justice, did you know there's a full anime prologue for this game? You can watch it in the Movies section of the remaster's menu, or find it on YouTube.

And now, some common questions people may have relating to the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy remaster:

  • Can I play Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy as my first game in the series?

If you haven't seen this addressed elsewhere already, most fans will tell you that you should start at the beginning of the series with the Phoenix Wright Trilogy. The Apollo Justice Trilogy consists of games 4 through 6 in the main series, and takes place after the Phoenix Wright Trilogy, carrying over many of the same characters and settings. AJAAT is not an advisable place to start.

  • The writing for the games in the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy feels different. Why is that?

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney was released on the Nintendo DS in 2007/2008. It has the same writer (Shu Takumi) who wrote and directed the first three games. Games 5 and 6 (Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice), however, were made by very different teams several years later, with Dual Destinies releasing on the 3DS in 2013, and Spirit of Justice in 2016. Rather than being written and directed by Shu Takumi, they were directed by a colleague of his, Takeshi Yamazaki, and written by a whole team of writers working with Yamazaki.

  • When should I play the "Special Episodes" in Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice?

Turnabout Reclaimed, the Special Episode for Dual Destinies, takes place after Episode 2: The Monstrous Turnabout, and before Episode 3: Turnabout Academy. Average fandom recommendation is that you should play the Special Episode there, between those two, if you plan to play it at all. Turnabout Time Traveler, the Spirit of Justice Special Episode, takes place four months after the main five episodes have all ended, so you can just play it last.

  • I can't stand the screen flashing effect used in the Phoenix Wright Trilogy. Is that still there in the other remastered games?

The screen flashing effect is used in all the games, but in The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, the remastered Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, and the Android/iOS port of the Phoenix Wright Trilogy, it can be turned off.

  • Can you start from any episode you want right away in the Apollo Justice Trilogy?

Yep - like with The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, this new remaster lets you load up any episode from any of the games you want, without needing to play the others to unlock anything first. There's also a large number of different mid-episode checkpoints you're free to start from, if you want a specific part.

  • I remember Phoenix having his original voice clips from the first three games in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney when I played it on DS/3DS/mobile, why did they change that?

Phoenix's original DS-era voice clips were done by a then-Capcom staff member named Ben Judd. In the years since he left Capcom, he's gotten a number of sexual harassment allegations raised against him. There's a fairly common theory that this is the reason his voice clips were removed from AJ for this remaster.

  • Why is the AJ Trilogy's framerate capped at 30 FPS?

Because while AJAA ran at 60 on DS, both of the original 3DS games after it ran at 30 FPS. That's the framerate they were designed to run on and the only one they've ever had. It's possible that on PC, someone might make a mod at some point to enable higher framerates, but the games are not built to support them.

  • I'm playing the remastered Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, and the graphics look very jagged and off. What's going on?

There seems to be a fairly widely-reported bug with the remaster right now which causes AJAA specifically not to display correctly at certain resolutions. It's most common with handheld mode in the Switch version and with Steam Desk users, but it can also happen elsewhere with non-1080p displays. There's no complete fix for this right now, so we're awaiting a possible patch from Capcom.

That'll cover it for now. If anyone has any other suggestions for questions to be included in this guide, feel free to pop over to the main FAQ thread and ask in the comments there. One more time - welcome to our Ace Attorney community! I hope you have a great time.

Pinnedby JC-DisregardMeModerator:EmaDS:
The Nineteenth r/AceAttorney Case Maker ContestContest

As promised, back on the quarterly schedule for another Case Maker Contest!

Your task is to write up an Ace Attorney case where a noun I supply below is an important part of the case. After the deadline passes (see below), submissions will no longer be taken and the community will vote for submissions in a Google Form. The top three submissions will move to the second round and community members will vote on which will win first, second, and third place.

Prizes are as follows:

1st Place: buy you a pizza ($15)

In addition, u/tenetox will compose a custom soundtrack piece specific for your case!

2nd Place: buy you a burger ($10)

3rd Place: buy you a coffee ($5)

In the comments, I will make a post that will give a template of what your submission should look like. If possible, please fill in all the sections in the template, including N/A if needed.

Regarding the description area, feel free to be descriptive as possible! If you fear the post is too long, you may post the description over several comments or through another source such as Pastebin or Google Docs. There is no word limit, so please do not worry about such.

The comment I’ll supply below, feel free to reply to it in regards to questions or general discussion. The rest of the thread is for submissions only.

And remember, don’t hold back your creativity! Your case can be a standard AA case, it can be a reminiscence case, or an Investigations-styled case! However, there are some limitations.

Firstly, your case shouldn’t involve any explicit topics of sexual abuse of any kind. If your case does involve so, you’re disqualified. Overly gory cases are allowed, but make sure there’s a reason for that, and don't have it be gory just for the sake of being so. You won’t be disqualified, but you may lose some credibility points. Also, joke posts are allowed, but only ones that are well-thought out, clever, and/or high-quality. Anything like “ThE PHoEnIX wiRIGHT TUnraBOOT: sOMEONE DIED aND phEENIX HAd TO dFEENdED THem!!!1!" is not allowed.

If you're concerned about crossing one of these lines, message me and I'll work with you to make sure your case abides by the guidelines.

Other than those limitations; don’t hold your creativity back!

The noun for this contest is: Goddess

The deadline for this contest is Saturday, July 6, at 11:59 PM EDT. This gives entrants a month to plan and write their cases.

Good luck, everyone!

Pinnedby teamcrazymatt:Athena:
By far the biggest fault of these games…Phoenix Wright Trilogy

Is the fact that Will Powers isn’t considered hot. My guy looks like a 6’5 wolverine. How am I supposed to fight to save any society that says “this man can only act under a mask.”

Justice For All? What a joke.

I just realized something about Phoenix's timelineSpoilerApollo Justice Trilogy

Don't know how I never noticed, but he got disbarred at 26. That was the same year that Trials and Tribulations takes place. He went from the epic finale that Bridge to the Turnabout was to almost immediately after getting framed by Kristoph in Zak's trial. Just a bit of a wild turnaround.

How often does the AJ trilogy reference the previous games?Apollo Justice Trilogy

Haven't played the original trilogy in 2 years so I don't remember everything about the games so I'm just wondering if I'll be confused at all if I just jump into the AJ trilogy

Is this community really at the point where a tier list post gets locked?[Custom]

Some guy shared his tier list earlier and had the audacity to put one of the games in an F tier. Now, I disagreed with that ranking, I think Justice for All slaps but come on. How are we so boiled up about how much individual users enjoy these games? There’s little enough to talk about as it is, if new players are interacting with the community and sharing their thoughts that’s a positive, man.

[AMA]Paper Perjury is an Ace Attorney inspired game coming out this year. Ask me Anything!Fangame

My name is James of Paper Cat Games and I started working on Paper Perjury three years ago.

Since I’m leading the project and wrote all five cases, I thought it would be fun to share my experiences for anyone interested in the process of creating something similar to Ace Attorney. 

I wanted to make a game that used the gameplay of Ace Attorney but in a setting outside the courtroom. While the end result wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, I’m proud of the final result.

As I’m nearing the release of the game, I have gained so much respect for every game in the Ace Attorney series (And a lot of respect for Ghost trick because I can’t even begin to understand how to create something as complex as that.) How the first game could be completed in less than a year will always be impressive to me...

This would be Paper Cat Games first game and I’m excited to share anything I can about the game. 

I just can’t give the release date (Since I have plans to announce it as soon as I can). Anything else is fair game and I will answer to my best of ability.

6-3 Plot... Bump? Maybe not quite big or objective enough to be a "hole", but still bizarre...SpoilerApollo Justice Trilogy

This doesn't feel significant enough to be a plot hole to me, but it feels like it's at least an inconsistency with the logic of the story worth asking about.

In The Rite of Turnabout, the prosecution posits that Maya had been acting as the rebel-killer Lady Kee'ra, and killed Inmee as a result of that. Given what we'd seen and heard of the public's opinion of rebels/lawyers up to this point, it seems reasonable that this would've effectively exonerated Maya in the Kingdom of Khura'in. While maybe yes, she did kill rebels... she killed rebels! The people who are lower than the very scum of the earth, who are trying to overthrow the perfect beautiful Ga'ran regime!

Instead, it seemed like the public went "Oh, our trusted Abott Inmee was actually a member of the Defiant Dragons trying to destroy our way of life. Maya may have killed him (and maybe many other evil demonic rebels) but killing is bad, so she is terrible and deserves the death sentence!"

Is there an obvious thread of logic I'm missing here, or does this stick out to anyone else?

To the German Ace Attorney Fans: Does anyone know about the PS4 Pre-Order of Investigations?Question/Tips

I am hoping to get the physical PS4 Version for the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection and due to that, look at least one time a day, if the Collection is available for Pre-Order on Amazon Germany and Mediamarkt.

As of now, it isn't listed on either site yet, and it gets more weird since on Amazon US and Amazon France, it is already listed as pre-order.

So my question to fellow Germans would be: Does anyone of you know when it could be expected to be listed as pre-order?