Honestly didnt know what other subreddit to post this in, y'all are more relatable than anyone else. This is just me venting about the wrong choices I made.

I hate myself for going on the wrong path 7 years ago after high school. Got a degree in business with some finance focus because I was a lazy sack of shit and my only ambition was "something easy".

Currently working in big4 audit with a solid career path basically laid out in front of me if I stick it out a few more years. The problem is I fucking hate it, I hate audit, I hate accounting and I hate finance even after gaslighting myself throughout 4 years of college thats its fun.

The only thing I wanna do is quit my job and go back to school for a math/physics degree and do something I enjoy for once but I cant afford living if I quit. By the time I get a degree I could have doubled my salary in the field im currently in. I'll be almost 30, starting from nothing, even then a job isnt guaranteed.

Im honestly just venting, maybe someone else is in a similar position and can chime in.