I’m a 2nd year staff up for senior this summer. The partner on the job who I’ve worked with previously and gotten along well with had me run this audit to see how I’d do in a senior role. The job was only on my schedule for a week and the client would take days to respond to requests. There was no actual deadline for this job so it was more of a do it when you can scenario. Last year they filed in September.

At first things were ok. The manager also on the job let me take the reins and told me that they’d be there if needed and to reach out if I needed help. We got along great at first however recently shit hit the fan.

Since I was only on the job for a week and we weren’t getting support I couldn’t really make lots of progress. I did what I could but ultimately testing areas ended up being pushed back due to the client not giving us support. I rolled off onto 2 other jobs which have hard deadlines of 6/30 and so those took priority.

I tried to find pockets to work on this job and was doing little by little and we eventually got support from the client but not all of it. I was staying late and working on the weekends doing what I could.

I ended up missing some things while working on the job such as following up for open items that we initially didn’t receive. This lead to a delay overall and I’ll admit it’s my screw up.

The manager messaged me and told me they’re taking over my work and saying that things needed to get done and we can’t wait any longer. They hopped on a call with me and basically told me it’s unacceptable for me to wait weeks before getting back to the client with open items which I agree entirely it’s my fault. I spent more time focusing on my other jobs that had closer deadlines than this one which didn’t really have a deadline but they emphasized sooner rather than later. I also missed certain things when running through the engagement which I should have caught and asked the client immediately.

I should have spoken up and asked for help but I have an issue with asking because I feel like if aomethings assigned to me then it’s my job to complete it not someone else. I’m actively working on that.

I understand I fucked up and I own it. I’m usually on top of my work and I just had my review which was very positive and one of the highlights was organization and that if you give me a task, I’ll get it done. (Except in this instance I guess)

I told them this isn’t like me and I’m better than this and I take full responsibility for the audit. They didn’t really wanna hear it which fine I get it. They were extremely pissed and I just kind of sat there while they cooked me for a couple minutes.

So how screwed am I? Mid size public firm for reference. I have a pretty good standing with the firm. This is the first time I’ve really screwed up bad.