About a year ago, I had a terrible experience with an ASMRtist I modded for, DM'd with (with her approaching me, I never go out DM'ing these content creators as I don't care for parasocial relationships) and who I made and did all kinds of stuff for. Her name is ''Cait ASMR'' and she's by far one of the worst people/content creators I've ever encountered online.

It's a long story, so I wrote a Google Doc about it where I go in detail and talk (and show with screenshots) about my experience with her. In the Doc, I talk about stuff like how, after around 8 months of supporting her, she pretty much kicked me out and ghosted me because I spoke up as a mod against people attacking one person in her Discord server, how she used her fans to attack others online who left ''weird comments," how a suicidal person got bullied by a admin/her irl friend in the server who has now vanished from the internet, and how the entire situation and her were just insanely toxic. Something you could never tell from her channel and is a story that should be out there and be told.

Check out the Google Doc here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J2N_WTV96bkvbSn1Mku6x1flca7xjABwn0LWpDLUdVM/edit?pli=1

UPDATE: After the publishing of this post and my Google Doc, Cait has now blocked me on Instagram. Again, not taking accountability or apologizing for her actions. I've tried to reach out to her in the past to resolve this like adults peacefully and not in public, and all my attempts have been ignored, so I now feel extra satisfied that I have shared this story for everyone to see. Whatever way she might present herself online, she is not a good person.

UPDATE 2: So i've just been infomed that Cait has made a statement on youtube and insta that she from now on won't be responding to people anymore out of fear of ''feeding into parasocial relationships''. Although a good choice, it's sad to see her still not holding any accountability for her actions or apologizing, but instead tries to paint her self as the victim in this situation to gain sympathy points from her fans. To me this could've all been resolved behind closed doors, sadly I wasn't given this opportunity, so I'm glad my post has made an impact and at least made her think about her actions.