We both love each other and I (35M) never even dared to lay my hands on her (25F). Yesterday she wanted to try weed chocolate so we went to the dispensary and got some chocolate and I gave her a small piece of it. We both got high but she got extremely paranoid because this was her first time taking it. I tried to keep her calm and make her feel safe but she thought I was going to kill her in the hotel room we were staying in. I told her we should go for a walk at the beach but she insisted that we stayed in the room. Finally I decided to leave the hotel to give her some space because I started to feel really uncomfortable and she ended up calling her mom saying I poisoned her and called the cops on me. The cops showed up and handcuffed me because of whatever my GF and her mom told the cops and almost had a gun pulled on me. The entire situation was a shit show. I ended up leaving the hotel, her mom & her sisters are driving from AZ to pick her up and I got a different hotel room closer to the airport. I thought about going home and ending this trip but instead I have decided to go to Hawaii by myself. I work 7 days a week, I support my parents, and I even supported my gf for the last 6 months as she was living with me and now it all just ended. So ask me anything!

Edit: I’m in Hawaii now by myself. She has apologized. I’m ignoring her for the next few days, gonna enjoy my time here. Gonna focus on the vacation now.