For context ive peaked master promos with a 65% wr on a fresh account 2 seasons ago, on main i hovered around d2 before i server transfered from eune to euw, after that i hovered around e1-d4 for a while. After i hit d3 i started to get the most disgusting games ever, i played poorly in alot of the games after i started dropping due to mental but now im just freefalling with no end in sight. 90% of the games are literally unplayable from either select or from min 3-4, nearly every support is filled even when i queue 2nd role support and most of them mental boom at lvl 2-3, even if the games go past 20 minutes someone is 1 mistake away from just griefing the game no matter how winnable it is. Im really at a loss on what to do, ive tried being more positive, expanding my picks, vod reviewing to some extent but it feels like no matter what i do the games are decided regardless of what i do ingame. Do i just quit this account or should i endure and see if the games get better ?