This morning my brother in-law was given a permanent ban for a major RWT offence, (RSN: YaBoiDobby) with no appeal allowed, claiming that it was thoroughly investigated, manually checked over and justified via an automated email.

He's 100% never Rwted. However, he loaned his friend a bunch of his gear a few months ago while he was taking a break from playing, which is completely normal behavior for his account, we're always lending gear among the group we play with. Although this friend unbeknownst to my brother in-law, paid him back his gear with GP he'd bought from a gold site. His account is now permanently banned, and rightly so.

But banning the account he was paying back?? How is this fair, why can't he appeal, and how in the hell is this a Major RWT offence?

We've tried twitter, and now we're here on Reddit asking for you to help us get noticed, and an actual human look over this situation for us.

Seems crazy that we have to desperately turn to third party options just to get some customer service on a 15 year old account with no previous offences, minus a single mute.


Edit: I was wrong, this account was made in 2004, making it 17 years old... and thats with a squeaky clean account history. Also, there might be a larger issue here with false RWT bans, getting a lot of messages with people having the exact same issue.

Thankfully Jagex's automatic reply has assured us that the ban was thoroughly checked and valid.

For those of you that don't believe this is a first-time offence 

Edit: The friend that bought gold and potentially got my BIL banned commented here: 

Jmod replies for those interested in laughing at the current smackdown they're to give us. 


Important note here: Turns out both accounts in question were banned for the sale of gold rather than our initial assumption of buying it. Buying gold seemed like a more believable mistake on Jagex's end. Annoying yes, but also understandable. The guy did pay him with bought gold, we admit that freely; we didn't know at the time the gold was sourced this way. However this situation has just become even more unbelievable because neither account has ever sold gold, nor is it likely that any activity on them could have been mistaken for RWT.

Sorry to sound like an entitled cunt calling out Jagex for not doing their Job, and i fully understand if you don't beleive us. But that's how it looks on our end.

Last edit: It looks like his account did sell about 430m.  Gonna have to accept the ban. For what it's worth, my BIL definitely wasn't the one who sold the gold, and isn't really sure how someone had access to his account, but understands the responsibility of account security falls on him, since there wasn't even a change of password to indicate he'd been hijacked. Putting this one to bed. Sad ending for us really, but i guess all of you here that wanted to see a smackdown got what you wished for, Enjoy.