
r/14ers11.6K subscribers
Longs Peak Keyhole Route-- how does the route actually look from afar in profile view?

This may be tough for me to explain, but the iconic image of Longs Peak "in profile" from afar looks like it does not lend itself to pointing out how the keyhole route goes? I see other routes on Google superimposed on the "profile view" but I'm assuming the keyhole route may go on the backside of the mountain?

Does anyone have a good photo of the mountain where you can almost draw the different sections "post-keyhole"?

Belford 5/17 Report
by shredadactyl14ers Peaked: 15
Car camping at Elbert East ridge trailhead?Trip Help

Looking to minimize my start time in the morning, wanted to drive up the 4wd road and car camp at the trailhead for the East ridge route.

Anybody done this before or know if it's not allowed? Any logistical quirks to be aware of?

UPDATE: plenty of exceptional dispersed campsites along the 125 road, they're abundant and just a short hike to the proper trailhead

by mindset_matter14ers Peaked: 6
Mid-June advice between Huron and YaleTrip Help

Hey all, I’m from Texas and have a planned trip starting just a bit into mid June. Climbed Elbert last time I visited but during the later July/August season where there wasn’t much snow at all. Seeing current reports of some of these 14ers is starting to make me wonder what I can expect in a few weeks. Also would like to mention that my partner hasn’t experienced Colorado summits, and I want to pick something that wouldn’t be too dangerous or difficult to do. I do deeply appreciate any advice you all may have in what to expect mid June and any natives/recent hikers that can expound their knowledge. Thanks!

What's the appeal?

Serious question. What's the hype around hiking a 14000'+ moutain when it's above treeline and just windy with rocks? It always has and will never make sense to me. I live off Guenella Pass by the way before I get the angry citiots.

Anyone been up kit Carson recently?

Looking to ski Kirk couloir / outward bound couloir.

Quandary Peak advice

Just curious on what you guys think of this plan for my first snowy summit.

I’m coming from Kansas and drive a Honda accord. Will I be able to make it to the trailhead in this car? I plan on going to the Bivvy hostel in Brek Saturday after a long drive that day. I’ve thought about doing the Manitou Incline on the drive out there. I could leave early enough and potentially get it in and still make it up to Brek for dinner. Sunday around 5 am, leave and get to the trailhead and start walking. I’ve got micro spikes and will bring an ice axe. Don’t have snow shoes.

Hoping to get on trail by 5:30 and summit by 9. Down by 11. I think I’m good on clothing. Couple pairs of socks, base layers, sunhoodie, fleece, puffy, rain shell. Sunglasses, a neck buff, gloves, regular buff and chapstick.

Anything I’m forgetting? The main thing I’m concerned with is if my car can make it to the trailhead, and if it’d be a common thing to pull up that early and start walking solo. I’d imagine there will be a few others out there this Sunday.

La Plata, Mt. Yale, or Mt. BelfordTrip Help

Trying to decide which peak to climb tomorrow (Friday), ideally whichever has the least amount of snow. I've checked the trip reports on 14ers and AT, but I'm hoping someone on here has been out there recently and can comment on the feasibility of summiting without snowshoes. Post-holing is a given.

What other mountains outside of the 14ers do you want to or have climbed?

Figured I’d break up the “can I climb Capitol this weekend” posts.

I’ve always had Kilimanjaro on my radar, but the cost is keeping me away. Would love to do some in Europe as well

Let’s hear your stories and bucket lists!

by UberXLBK14ers Peaked: 11
Looking to get my feet wet, unsure where to start

I recently finished reading Krakauers “Into Thin Air”, and am currently working through Ed Viesturs “No Easy Way to The Top.” I also have a sixth edition of “Freedom of the Hills” that I’ve been reading through.

In short, I have a background in camping and hiking. I’ve not backpacked much but I have all the lightweight gear and knowledge to take me down most trails.

Im located in the Midwest United States, so my options for local mountains are limited…my wife wants to do a road trip to Appalachia this summer, but the tallest mountain there is Mt Mitchell. It seems that I’d need to head out west for some serious mountain climbing.

I just have a few questions:

  1. What are the best mountains to climb in Appalachia?

  2. Where should I take a mountain climbing course?

  3. What are some good mountains to start with in the US and reasonably accessible parts of Canada?


Cables Free SoloGeneral Question

Has anybody here attempted to free solo cables? What was it like? What gear outside of standard 14er gear did you have?

I am planning on climbing cables this summer and I am trying to figure out if I want to free climb or free solo. The only reason I am debating is because I have sciatic nerve issues when carrying a heavy pack (rope). I am an experienced climber and “14ereer”and have free soloed the 2nd flatiron many times as well as other 5.easy routes in the area.

Any advice is helpful!

by fatty772614ers Peaked: 17
Has anyone done La Plata Recently???Trip Help

Looking to bag my first 14er of the season this upcoming Sunday going to LA Plata Peak. I'm planning to car camp at the trailhead Saturday night, start before dawn, and hopefully finish before noon. I have microscope but not snowshoes. Does anyone know what the conditions are like and if you'd recommend I grab some snowshoes from REI before I go?

For some extra context, I'm newer to the 14er game. I started last year and was able to knock down some easier class 2's. So I'd say I'm not a true beginner, but I'm not an expert either, especially in winter conditions. I did all my trips last year later in the summer.


Has anyone heard any updates on the Lindsey closure? I thought that would have been resolved after SB24-058 became law in March.

Advice please: first time in Colorado, want to do a 14er, but parents say it is unsafe?
Advice please: first time in Colorado, want to do a 14er, but parents say it is unsafe?

Me and my wife(both late 20s) are planning an anniversary trip in mid June driving from Illinois to Colorado and are very interested in climbing one of the less difficult 14ers if safe. Right now we are looking at Mt Elbert because the people here and on 14ers.com say it is an easier mountain for newbies and I like going to state high points.

My father-in-law and mother-in-law who do an annual hiking trip to Denver or Colorado Springs every year thinks that we are being suicidal risky and that climbing any 14er or 13er is not feasible for either of them, and especially not us and have been literally calling us begging for us to reconsider. They are generally very risk-averse people, but on the other hand I have been known to be over-excited and go in underprepared, so I'm asking you all for your opinion. 

Experience-wise: The biggest wildcard: Both of us are flatlanders who have never been to Colorado and have no idea how elevation affects us. I've done a fair amount of hiking, camping and multi-day backpacking in the Appalachians which I understand is not comparable. For reference, the most serious mountain I've ever climbed was a 6600 footer in the Smokies 7 years ago. It was an all dirt trail,11+ miles round trip with 3000' of elevation gain to the summit, which I did in well under 4 hours total and I thought it was very easy back then and I'm much more fit now. 

My wife has also never been to elevation above Denver, but we go regularly on all-day hikes here in Illinois, but on account of the flatness, even the hilliest hikes we never get more than 1000 feet net elevation change. My in-laws say that we need at least a week minimum to acclimate to elevation and we will only have been in Colorado for 3-4 days before trying to climb a 14er.

Fitness-wise: I'm pretty fit, at least on the pancake flat terrain in the Midwest. I have run consistently 60-100 miles a week for years now and have a respectable low 2:40 marathon time and I do some weights as well. But once again, Illinois is so flat that on a given 80 mile week, I'll have only done 1500 feet of elevation change total.

I'm more concerned about my wife. In the past, she would run 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a week, and does light weights but she's taken a break since hurting one of her knees a couple months ago. She's also has exercise induced asthma and seasonal allergies. My in-laws say that it is dangerous for anyone with asthma to go to higher elevations.

Weather-wise: The in-laws say all the trails of every 13er and 14er will still be completely covered in snow in three weeks. Here, I'm in complete agreement with my in-laws on this one, I have no experience in snowy conditions on a slope, not even skiing, don't have specialized hiking gear for snowy conditions, and don't want to be trying new things when I'm hypoxic. Previous year trip reports on 14ers.com seem to indicate that trails in mid-June are not as snowy as they says. I would obviously be disappointed if climbing a mountain is not feasible in June, but am ready to change plans on account of snow and other inclement weather.  

Our plan: Spend a few days in Colorado Springs first including hiking there, and driving/taking the train to the top of Pikes Peak to see how we feel at hiking altitude and at 14k feet. Then drive to Mt. Elbert and camp at the trailhead at 10,000 feet overnight, start our ascent at sunrise at 5:30 AM, make it to the top by 11AM, and descend. We should have all the stuff from the checklist at 14ers.com, and I'm willing to carry more than my share of supplies. If Mt. Elbert is too snowy, I looked and saw Horseshoe Mt is close and should have less snow and should be do-able for our fitness levels. ?

TLDR: Are we crazy for contemplating climbing Mt Elbert? 

High altitude car camping

Hello, I'd like to surprise my BF with the highest elevation car camping on a14er (in a good way, he's never camped above tree line and wants the experience). I heard about a collegiate peak 4x4 road that there's one spot at about 11k that you can pull in to. Something about a tower? I can't for the life of me remember where it is. Anyone know this or am I misremembering

Mount Blue Sky Reservation system?General Question

I’m looking to start off this year’s 14er season soon, perhaps even this coming weekend (I’m not hardcore enough to do winter ascents, lol). I want to ease back into it with an easy one so I’m thinking of crossing Blue Sky off the list, but the reservation system is a little confusing.

It looks like I’ll need at minimum, the $5 summit lake park reservation for parking at the trailhead. Apparently there’s an observatory and interpretive site at the top that I might be interested in checking out…but it looks like I need the $15 reservation to do that?

Am I understanding this correctly?

I’m also a little confused by the fact that it says fees are only required between 8am and 5pm. Does that mean if I get to the trailhead before 8 I don’t need a reservation? I’m used to just rocking up to a trailhead as early as possible, and not worrying about anything other than getting a parking spot lol

Belford Oxford and MissouriTrip Help

Has anyone been on Belford, Oxford, or Missouri recently? If so, what are the conditions like snow wise? Thanks.

Little Bear in Early June

I’ve heard Little Bear can be done well in late May or early June when many of the rocks about the hourglass are frozen in place. Due to the high snowpack this year and getting in shape, I was thinking of doing it in early June. Has anybody done this before and have any advice?

Also happy to have some climbing partners!